Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Aah, What Delicious Lentils!

In his book entitled The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe, C.S. Lewis asserts (And I quote from memory cause I don't care at all about accuracy in my blog) "Nothing ruins good, ordinary food like bad magic food." This is at the part where Edmund doesn't want to eat fish dinner with the beavers because he wants more Turkish Delight from the Queen.

But lately I've been paraphrasing the quote to match my own situation, as our food stores get down to the bottom of the barrel and we find ourselves with nothing but the very plainest, simplest food possible. I find myself watching TV and seeing footage of a juicy hamburger, and just craving it with all my might. I may be iron deficient, come to think of it. But my point is that nothing ruins good, honest food that is the ultimate in health and nutrition like bad, overprocessed, oversalted, superfatted junk food. I see the hamburger and I want to eat it instead of my lentil and barley vegetable soup.

Luckily, I come from a long line of verified vegetarians, so I know how to cook healthy vegetarian food at this time when we can't actually afford meat. I know how to combine the grains and legumes to form a complete protein. I know that what I'm feeding my body is wonderfully healthy. And yet I would prefer to gorge myself on something that tastes better. Right now, there is no possibility of doing so, therefore, I eat wholesome food. Le sigh.

Why do the really yummy things have to be so very bad for you? It's not fair.

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