Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Reflections Upon Having Finally Joined Twitter

I resisted twitter for a long time, only giving in so I could receive updates from summer camp on my phone. It seems a little unnatural to me, at least the way I understand it. People phone their tweets in at any time of the day, describing the minutiae of their lives to the tiniest detail. Now I'm in the salon. Now I'm watching a movie. Wow, I like it!

I mean, the whole focus of writing a story is to include the most entertaining parts that will keep people reading and exclude the everyday slogging through life. I see no reason to know what my friends are doing at every moment, and I feel quite certain they don't want to know every tiny detail of what I'm doing. (Now I'm watching Judge Judy. Now I'm watching Iron Chef. I should be reading. I don't feel like reading. I just want to sit here like a slug.)

Of course, this is the perception of a person who has never actually belonged to twitter until now. Will it surprise me? Is it really cool enough to earn its popularity. We shall see.


  1. I soooooooo don't get twitter . . .

  2. Space, I am loving twitter. Lots of writing / publishing types to network with. Which is happy.
