Thursday, June 17, 2010

Someday I'll Learn

Shayne's parents had very generously given us a card table and two folding chairs so we would have somewhere to sit and eat. I really liked one of the chairs, a green and white striped number with armrests. It was perfect. When I sat in it, my knees were bent at a right angle, ergonomically perfect for crafting. I scootched it right up to the card table to do some scrapbooking.

Last night, at one point, I shifted my weight to the edge of my seat. I don't remember why, but I know there was a reason. Anyway, I was sitting on the edge of the seat, and I suddenly began sinking. I heard a crackling sound as the chair sagged and shuddered floorward.

Naturally, I jumped up and inspected the chair. I discovered some duct tape wrapped around one of the folding joints that had covered a clean break in the plastic. I want to emphasize that the structure was compromised beforehand, and someone had fixed it with duct tape, which had held it together for awhile.

I told Shayne I didn't want to sit in the chair anymore because it didn't seem safe. I parked it in the kitchen.

Well, this morning I wanted to work on my summer log some more,and I decided to sit in the chair. It seemed OK as long as I sat at the back of the seat. I crafted and crafted. I decided the chair might last a long time and still be functional.

Well, then I scooted the chair back to stand up, and that's when it snapped right in half. I mean, the plastic arms of the silly thing snapped in half and the whole back broke off and lay down on the floor.

And now? I don't think we can salvage it. The St. George summers must have weakened the plastic. Drat it, I liked that chair. I need a job so I can go buy a new chair.

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